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Wednesday 1st January - we give thanks for the New Year, help us to remember that God is with us whatever challenges and joys that 2025 will bring.
Thursday 2nd January - we pray and give thanks for all who will travel with us in 2025, that we will support each other.
Friday 3rd January - we pray for Lebanon, Israel, Gaza, Syria, Ukraine and Russia and all areas of the world where there is conflict, for people now displaced, injured, or mourning loved ones.
Saturday 4th January - we pray for the Chaplains to the Emergency services, hospitals and hospices, and for all those who work for the NHS and the winter pressures.
Sunday 5th January - we pray for our clergy teams and the new initiatives for the parish in 2025.
Monday 6th January - we pray on the day we celebrate the Epiphany, that we will use our gifts and talents to support our local community.
Tuesday 7th January - we pray for the plans to redecorate our church.
Wednesday 8th January - we pray for the diocese of Kagera and the challenges they face.
Thursday 9th January – we pray for our young people and their teachers at the beginning of the Spring Term.
Friday 10th January - we pray for those who promote cleaner energy to help to preserve our planet.
Saturday 11th January - we pray for those running Refuge houses and telephone help lines.
Sunday 12th January - we pray for those who run retreat houses and Christian Day centres.
Monday 13th January- we pray for those who struggle with reading and writing.
Tuesday 14th January - we pray for the council workforce keeping our roads open during the winter months.
Wednesday 15th January - we pray for those who attend the Welcome cafe that the people who meet regularly will build friendships.
Thursday 16th January - we pray for peacekeepers both in this country and throughout the world.
Friday 17th January - we pray for those struggling with the cost of living and fearful for the future, for Debt Agencies helping people manage their money.
Saturday 18th January - we pray for an attitude of kindness and consideration towards other people.
Sunday 19th January - we pray in Christian Unity week that we may be mindful of our brothers and sisters throughout the world and the work of the World Council of Churches.
Monday 20th January - we pray for all those involved in medical research into providing new and more effective treatments.
Tuesday 21st January - we pray for good relations between faiths. That there will exist respect, acceptance and appreciation of the rich diversity of our world, cultures, forms of expression and ways of being human.
Wednesday 22nd January - we pray for school and college pastoral teams supporting vulnerable students.
Thursday 23rd January - we pray for those receiving end of life care.
Friday 24th January - we pray, on International Education Day, for all who work in education and that children worldwide will receive a good education. The theme this year is learning for lasting peace.
Saturday 25th January - we pray, on the day we celebrate St. Paul, for all new Christians.
Sunday 26th January - we pray for those who are considering baptism and confirmation this year.
Monday 27th January - we pray on World Holocaust Day for those still suffering, and all victims of torture, that our world will become a better place to live in.
Tuesday 28th January - we pray for those suffering with mental health issues, and that money will be available for staffing and suitable treatments.
Wednesday 29th January - we pray for those who compile crosswords, puzzles and problems to keep our minds active.
Thursday 30th January - we pray and give thanks for our friends, pets and close companions.
Friday 31st January - we pray for our local wildlife that their habitats may be protected.
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